We are delighted to announce a partnership with marine wildlife charity, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), supporting the development of a new online initiative to help people tackle packaging pollution.
With up to 95 per cent of litter in our oceans coming from towns, cities and villages, the WDC is encouraging people to tackle plastic pollution in their local area with the development of the Urban Beach Clean Website.
As the leading charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins, the WDC is hoping to increase awareness of the dangers of plastic waste to marine life. The Urban Beach Clean site features an interactive map, allowing people to register existing events and find upcoming litter picks in their local communities.
We are immensely proud to support the #UrbanBeachClean initiative, which means people up and down the country will soon be receiving free litter picking equipment and help with organising their own clean-up events, which has a great positive impact for marine wildlife.
As part of the existing ‘Plastic is #NotWhaleFood’, projects supported by TV presenter, Julia Bradbury and BBC Springwatch’s Michaela Strachan, people interested in getting involved can now go online at notwhalefood.com to source information and advice on running their own urban cleans.
David Honcoop, Managing Director at Clarity Environmental, said “Having worked within the packaging industry since the start of our business, it means a lot to be supporting WDC with a campaign that is aimed at protecting our oceans and marine life from the impacts of plastic pollution.
“Whether living by the coast or inland, it is vital that we all take responsibility for where our discarded litter ends up when we are finished with it. Plastic pollution is a complex issue and one that can only be tackled with wide-scale involvement from industry, decision makers and the public. By working together we can be part of the solution, and Urban Beach Cleans are one way we can all make a difference.”
WDC’s partnerships manager, Abbie Cheesman, said: “We are calling on people to make tackling plastic pollution in the local area their resolution for 2019. It doesn’t matter whether it’s just you and your dog, or a whole office, group or class – every single piece of plastic you remove from your local area is one that won’t end up in the ocean. Remember, plastic waste can contribute to the death of a whale or dolphin or, if you eat fish, may even make its way on to your plate one day.
“We are so delighted that Clarity Environmental has chosen to support our Urban Beach Cleans. Their generosity has meant that people up and down the country will soon be receiving free litter picking equipment and support organising their own Urban Beach Cleans, which has a great positive impact for marine wildlife.”
Michaela Strachan WDC patron, said: “The amount of plastic making its ways into our seas and oceans is terrifying and has severe consequences for marine life now and in the future. It’s heartbreaking to see pictures of whales and dolphins washing up on shores around the world because of the amount of plastic they have ingested – yet this is a totally avoidable problem.”
As one of the most direct things you can do to prevent plastic from polluting the seas, we are excited to be taking part in our own Urban Beach Clean on Tuesday 5 February 2019, joined by representatives from WDC. We look forward to sharing the results with you. If you are taking part in an Urban Beach Clean, you can upload the story to social media and share the results.
You can find out more about our commitment to be a good business doing good, see the donations we have made this year and recommend a charity to our Clarity Cares donation committee in the Clarity Cares section of our website.
Image provided courtesy of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC).