On Monday 17th June, Clarity said goodbye to its popular CELNet system and welcomed in a brand new online customer web portal, the ‘Dashboard’.
We’ve worked hard to develop this system over the past year, so we are delighted to share the results with our customers now.
Since 2011, we have used the CELNet system for the customers and suppliers that worked with our lead acid battery trading division. With fantastic feedback about its benefits and the knowledge of how much time and money an online portal like this saves, our aim for the Dashboard was to combine CELNet with our other existing online systems into one portal. The Dashboard goes even further to assist the customers we work with across each of our divisions.
Our Dashboard system also includes a TFS Assist feature, which provides assistance to companies with the transfrontier shipment of waste. This feature drastically streamlines import and export operations, removes error and saves man-hours. Clarity can provide companies with TFS Assist as a stand-alone software please get in touchwith our systems development team on 0845 129 7177 if you would like to find out more.
Please let us know if you have any feedback or ideas about the Dashboard as we will develop it with our businesses, or as and when our users need us to. You can read more about the development of the Dashboard in our last month’s Clearview.