It only comes around once every four years, so we wanted to do something meaningful with our extra day this leap year.
Stopping for a mid-morning coffee break on 29 February, we asked our team to pay a donation for their tea and coffee, and shared some homemade treats brought in by the staff. We opted to donate our funds to the ‘Chai Day’ campaign. Run by Oxfam and The Circle, the campaign was raising money over the 2016 leap year for its work to help end violence towards women in Asia, providing shelters, counselling and education.
Lucy Brooks, Communications Manager at Clarity Environmental, said: “It was great to mark the extra day this year by doing something meaningful and raising money for a worthy cause. And with the business matching our team’s contributions for their tea, coffee and cake, we were able to give generously.”
We are proud to be an ethical, caring and honest business and this is one of the values of our business and underpins every decision we make. You can find out more about Clarity and our mission, vision and values on our website.