The second round of consultations for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the introduction of a Deposit Return System (DRS) were released yesterday (24th March 2021), but without the expected accompanying consultation on consistency of collections.
Following the initial consultations and the responses, released July 2019, the expected consultations for the resources and waste sector faced multiple delays from general elections, Brexit and the covid-19 pandemic.
Extended Producer Responsibility consultation
The EPR consultation covers 15 separate sections with 104 questions for stakeholders to respond to. This is accompanied by an impact assessment, which models various cost analysis of the proposed legislative changes. The consultation sets out various scenarios, many built upon the initial consultations and the responses for the future landscape of packaging compliance.
The proposal outlines the phased introduction of EPR, beginning in 2023 and continuing to have additional measures brought in over 2024. The consultation gives producers a general idea of how modulated fees, labelling, administration and data reporting and requirements will be managed and enforced but will also allow stakeholders to feedback on the proposals should they have insight or concerns.
Deposit Return System consultation
The DRS consultation covers 10 chapters, detailing areas from the scope of the scheme to the financials flows of the system. The 78 questions will allow stakeholders to understand the current proposals for a Deposit Return System in England and for feedback in areas that stakeholders may be able to give further insight and development. The timeline provided in the consultation is now looking at implementation in 2024, as opposed to the initial rollout in 2023.
The consultations run from now until 4th June, this is a shorter timeframe than the standard 12 weeks for government consultations, allowing 10 weeks for stakeholders to share their views.
Respond to the EPR consultation here:
Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging – Defra – Citizen Space.
Respond to the DRS consultation here:
Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – Defra – Citizen Space
Commenting on the proposals outlined in the consultations, David Honcoop, Founder and Managing Director of Clarity Environmental, said: “We are firmly behind the environmental principles of the reforms but there is understandable concern about the proposed timelines, particularly given the delays experienced since the first consultation. The failure to publish the Consistent Collection consultation alongside these documents also leaves a level of uncertainty about how the policies will connect.