The waste duty of care code of practice, published by Defra and the Welsh Government, provides guidance for all who produce, carry, keep, dispose of, treat, import or have control of controlled waste. Schedule 1 of the Controlled Waste Regulations sets out whether waste is controlled according to its source or type and applies to commercial, industry and household waste. Duty of care is a legal requirement for those dealing with controlled waste to take all reasonable steps to keep it safe as set out in the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Defra are seeking views on whether the revised code of practice fulfils its stated purpose to give clear and practical guidance on fulfilling legal duty of care obligations. It has been updated to reflect a number of legislative changes relating to the duty of care since its publication in 1996. These include the introduction of the five-stage waste hierarchy and the system for producing waste transfer notes electronically. The consultation is part of the government drive for smarter guidance and runs until Monday September 21st 2015.
Remember that at Clarity we offer complaint waste services and solutions to meet all your waste disposal and recycling needs. You can call us now to find out more on 0845 129 7177 – or come and talk to us September 15th – 17th at RWM 2015 on stand 4N39.