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Have your say: Consultation on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Reforms

The Government is seeking views and evidence on proposed reforms to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013.


Key Proposals

Household WEEE Collection Infrastructure: The consultation outlines detailed proposals for reforms in household WEEE collection infrastructure, financed by producers of electrical and electronic equipment.

Takeback Obligations for Distributors: Reforms in take-back obligations for distributors, including retailers and online sellers, are under consideration.

Online Marketplaces and Vape Producers: The consultation introduces new obligations on online marketplaces and proposes that producers of vapes finance recycling costs when they become waste.

Submission deadline: 7th March 2024

The proposed reforms will be phased in gradually, with measures potentially commencing as early as next year. The timeline includes the introduction of measures regarding online marketplaces, free collection of large domestic appliances, and a new EEE category for vapes. The household collection system rollout is anticipated from 2026, allowing for a structured and effective implementation. 

Alongside this consultation, a Call for Evidence has been issued, presenting broader areas for reform. The government is interested in gathering evidence and views to support reforms to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 that go beyond the specific proposals set out in the accompanying consultation. The evidence sought here will inform wider policy development intended to support the drive towards a more circular economy. Please find the call for evidence here. 

Your role in shaping policy

As the government reviews and reports on the WEEE Regulations 2013, your engagement is vital. By participating in this consultation, you contribute to the development of impactful policies that will drive change in electronic waste management. This is an opportunity to influence the future of WEEE regulations, ensuring a pragmatic and sustainable approach to legislative reform. 

How to Participate: Visit here to access the full consultation document, supporting impact assessments, and submit your views. 

Deadline for submissions: 7th March 2024 

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