In 2014 £1.1 billion was collected in landfill tax according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) report on environmental taxes for 2014. This amount is a drop from 2013 when nearly £1.2 billion was collected. While the last time the year on year amount of tax dropped was 2008/09, this still represents a tenfold increase in the funds generated from the tax when it was introduced in 1996.
Overall environmental taxes raised £44.6 billion in the UK in 2014. Environmental taxes are defined as “a tax whose base is a physical unit that has a proven negative impact on the environment (for example a litre of petrol or a passenger flight).” Despite rising an average of 5.0% per year since 1993 (in current prices), environmental tax revenue has remained broadly stable as a percentage of GDP, standing at 2.5% in 2014.
Landfill Tax was introduced with the aim of incentivising the diversion of waste from landfill towards recycling and energy recovery.In the March 2015 budget the tax was increased from £80 per tonne to £82.00 per tonne in line with inflation.
If you are looking to divert waste from landfill, call us at Clarity to find out about our tailor made RDF and SRF solutions on 0845 129 7177.