The provisional packaging recycling and export data for Q2 has been published on the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD), and once again confirms that the UK is on track to meet its annual recycling obligations.
The latest figures, which report the amount of packaging waste recycled or exported between April and June 2017, show that glass, aluminium, steel and wood continue to perform well, with all grades experiencing a rise in recycling levels in Q2.
Halfway through the compliance year and wood sits at 94 per cent of its annual recycling target. Paper, plastic and recovery were the only grades to have experienced a drop in recycling from the last quarter, although with paper currently at 73 per cent and recovery at 68 per cent of their annual targets, there is little cause for concern for now.
The performance of plastic recycling in Q2 was eagerly anticipated by the industry, with plastic packaging recovery note (PRN) prices having risen sharply in recent months. Now at 54 per cent of its annual recycling target, many will hope that prices will start to fall away. These high prices (plastic PRNs rose to three times the levels at the start of the year) appear to have driven recycling enough to keep it at the levels required for the time of year. For the annual target to be met in 2017, the current performance levels will need to be retained.
Chris Taylor, Commercial Manager, Clarity Environmental, said: “The latest figures paint a relatively positive picture, with most materials experiencing an increase in recycling performance. Glass, aluminium, steel and wood continue to perform well, with a rise in recycling levels in Q2.
“The performance of plastic recycling was eagerly anticipated by the industry, with PRN prices having risen sharply in recent months. The high prices appear to have driven plastic recycling enough to keep it at the levels required for the time of year, and now at 54 per cent of its annual recycling target, many will hope that prices will start to fall away.
“Overall, the data is fairly positive and should help to reduce any further volatility in the recycling market, but a softening of plastic PRN prices may not be immediate.
“The news that China intends to ban the import of certain scrap materials at the start of 2018 will need to be closely followed to see what impact it could have, not just on plastic, but on paper and wood in 2018.”
Whilst the data provides a good initial insight into the current UK recycling performance and trends, it is important to note that the verified data will not be released until 15 August 2017. The current performance of UK packaging recycling against the 2017 obligation can be viewed in the table opposite.
Clarity has been buying and selling packaging recovery notes (PRNs) since our business started in 2002. We are now one of the largest and most experienced open market traders of PRNs. Whether you are a packaging compliance scheme or direct registrant obligated under the Producer Responsibility (Packaging Waste) Regulations, we can offer flexible trading options for Packaging Recovery Note (PRNs). Contact our team on 0845 129 7177 for more information.