Earlier this month, the monthly packaging waste data was released for November, with many PRN grades reporting positive progress towards end of year targets.
Both wood and paper PRNs are now comfortably ahead of target for the year and should provide good levels of carry over for 2020. The data reports 49,250 tonnes production for wood PRNs in November and 272,484 tonnes for paper PRNs. Heading into the new year, it is unlikely that paper will continue at the current lower levels, and is more likely to start at similar prices to those seen at the start of 2019.
With aluminium production seemingly responding to the high PRN prices seen over recent months, the PRN grade reports another strong month, with 12,617 tonnes production. Now at 95.86 per cent, including carry over, aluminium is ahead of target for the year. Availability has increased and prices have softened a little from the high points of last month.
Both steel and glass are now close to their annual targets. With 24,649 tonnes reported, steel is now at 93.01% including carry over and total Glass is at 92.82% including carry over.
Plastic production was down by around 15,000 tonnes from the previous two months, which had been particularly strong months. It was, however, still a better result than the same month in the previous year. The November production take s Plastic PRNs up to 94.82 per cent of its obligation for 2019, when carry over is taken into account.
Sam Caplen, Account Manager at Clarity Environmental, said of the plastic data:
“These latest figures mean that plastic is now ahead of its target. However, PRN prices continue to remain at high levels compared with previous years, which suggests that plastic prices will start 2020 to similar levels to those seen at the end of the year.”
To talk to a member of our team about our Comply with Clarity packaging compliance scheme, get in touch on 0845 129 7177 or visit our website for more information.