Ahead of the final 2021 quarterly data, the monthly data from the Environment Agency shows that all materials have met the targets for 2021. Despite concerns in the latter part of the year for glass and plastic, both material grades set to meet the tonnage required.
Paper Board and Wood
Both paper board and wood have reported very consistent and strong figures each month, with little cause for concern for meeting the targets for 2021. Both are now in an exceptionally strong position for the upcoming year, with positive carryover for 2022.
Despite the usual taper off at the end of the year when construction traditionally pauses, 30,000 tonnes of wood was reported in the December data, taking the total tonnage for the year to 561,000. This is 162% of the target for the year, without any carryover.
With 343,224 tonnes reported for paper board, this material had its second highest monthly tonnage in December. This takes the total reported tonnage for the year to 3,689,268. This means paper board is another material grade that has met the 2021 target with significant carryover for 2022.
Aluminium and Steel
The monthly data shows that aluminium and steel have met 116.57% and 110.04% of the 2021 targets respectively. As with all of the monthly reported tonnages, we will get a more accurate position from the quarterly figures, providing a clearer idea of the carryover we can expect for both materials going into 2022.