The latest packaging recycling and export data has been released by the Environment Agency, which shows the amount of packaging recovered or recycled between July and September 2014.
The latest results show improvement has continued into the third quarter of 2014 and the industry now expects all grades of packaging recovery note (PRN) to drop in price.
Chris Taylor, Commercial Manager, Clarity Environmental, said: “The positive results reported in Q2 have continued into this quarter, and the data shows that we need to hit lower levels in the final quarter of 2014 than have been achieved in every other quarter of the year.
“The overall outlook is very strong and as a result, buyers are now likely to hold off until prices hit a perceived ebb. We can expect to see a drop in price for every grade from now.
Chris continued: “Whilst things look very comfortable for the market at the moment, buyers may take advantage of the position and low prices by buying tonnage in December for 2015. This could put a spanner in the works as it would result in a two month Q4, and things could then end up a lot tighter than they currently appear.”
You can read our full report on the latest data in the October issue of our newsletter, Clearview, next week.