The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs has confirmed that the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) compliance fee for 2017 will be set using a methodology drawn up by the Joint Trade Association.
The fee is an alternative mechanism to compliance, which can be accessed if WEEE compliance schemes have insufficient evidence to meet their WEEE collection targets for the year.
Methodologies used to determine the fee are set on a yearly basis. The compliance fee is determined after the end of each compliance year, and schemes do not learn how much they are required to pay until each scheme has submitted their final data.
Defra also opted for methods proposed by the JTA in 2014 and 2015. This year’s chosen method will include a ‘flat rate’ of £3.50 per tonne to reflect the variable costs involved in collecting and processing WEEE. The fee to be paid is based on an escalator so the further away a scheme is from its target, the higher the fee it has to pay.
The JTA has said that they have structured the methodology to further encourage local authority collections and membership of the producer compliance scheme balancing system (PBS), which they see as a “vital feature of the UK WEEE system”. Administration of the process is to be overseen by the accountancy firm Mazars.
Vikkie Fitzgerald, Clarity’s WEEE compliance scheme manager, said: “We work very hard to grow our ‘Recycle with Clarity’ WEEE recycling initiative and are working with an ever-increasing number of recyclers across the country. This network allows us to meet our WEEE targets each year and ensures we can continue to attract new members to our WEEE compliance scheme.”
Clarity’s WEEE compliance scheme provides its members with low cost and simple compliance, alongside unrivalled member support. If you would like to discuss compliance with the WEEE regulations, get in touch with a member of our team at or on 0845 129 7177.